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Strategic workforce planning is the process that an organisation undertakes to understand and define the future workforce that is required to build and sustain competitive advantage, and how to proactively move to that workforce using targeted change levers. Crucially, it is a business planning process rather than a separate HR activity that connects business goals with people strategies.
In today's digital age, 'how business is done' is changing rapidly, and the right workforce plan is essential to help companies adapt. From shifts in how we work to global challenges affecting us all, there are lots of issues to consider. This is where HR can play a crucial role, helping organisations prepare for different scenarios, predicting future needs, and bridging the gaps in skills or resources. Strategic workforce planning enables informed and strategically-aligned talent and resourcing decisions, and also provides workforce data for organisational and leadership development.
MCR’s Strategic Workforce Planning Consultants can help your organisation build a foundation on which to create a future workforce using a tried and tested framework which is delivered through rigorous, tested and refined workforce analyses, projections and plans to ensure that your organisation's workforce is agile, skilled, and aligned with its strategic objectives.
Our Strategic Workforce Planning Consultants can guide you through envisioning and detailing the potential scenarios that could impact your organisation's activities and how to deliver the business strategy. It includes considering changes in technology, market trends, and other external factors (PESTLE). By identifying these scenarios, MCR can help your organisation to better prepare for the future and align your workforce accordingly.
We focus on understanding the skills, competencies, and roles needed to achieve your organisation's strategic objectives. It involves defining the specific capabilities required for future success, assessing what roles are needed, at what level and in what quantities.
We analyse the availability and readiness of your current and potential workforce, and the skills that are available externally. This includes assessing both current and future skill gaps, how the workforce needs to evolve, and potential skill shortages.
This involves costing the financial implications of the strategic workforce plan to identify how to achieve its implementation within organisational budgets and cost envelopes. Through detailed and expert cost modelling, MCR can support you in ensuring that workforce plans are affordable and generate organisational savings wherever possible.
We define the actions needed to implement the strategic workforce plan. Build, Buy, Borrow, Better Deploy, Bot and Restructuring - what is the optimal combination of these levers?
We combine the plans into an Overall Workforce Strategy and identify the other dependencies, e.g. leadership and management capability, IR and ER implications, workforce data needs etc, in order to implement a workforce plan and embed strategic workforce planning as a core business discipline in your organisation, which is reviewed and adapted over time.
Get in touch to find out about how MCR can help you with implementing and embedding strategic workforce planning in your organisation.
This client engaged us for nearly three years across an extensive programme of work in which we delivered institution-wide strategic workforce plans as the University prepared for a transformational shift in the student, learning and funding landscapes, along with organisational development, learning and development, talent and succession planning strategies for the University.
This client engaged us to identify and detail the future workforce requirements of the European business, define how to bridge the
gaps, deliver Costed Workforce Plans and definition of the Change Levers to implement them, and help to embed Strategic Workforce Planning as a core business discipline and organisational competence.