As organisations seek to gain competitive advantage in a business world driven by advances in technology, it is critical to ensure that salesforces are equipped to deliver challenging sales strategies, and that sales incentives align behaviours and motivation with the business strategy. Businesses live by the mantra of being customer or client focused, but do sales incentives support this key business principle?

By carefully addressing the various elements outlined below, MCR will help your business to ensure that your sales incentives become a powerful tool in achieving your strategic objectives and staying ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Sales Roles & Accountabilities

Defining the specific responsibilities and expectations of sales team members, including how they work together, is paramount. Clarity in role definitions ensures that salespeople know their objectives and how they contribute to the organisation's goals.

Sales Incentive Plan Coverage

Determining which individuals or teams fall within the scope of the incentive plan. Clear delineation is essential to avoid confusion and ensure equitable compensation.

Sales Plan Mechanics

(E.G. THRESHOLDS, PAY CURVES and accelerators)

Delving into the incentive plan's mechanics, including the establishment of thresholds, pay curves, commission tiers and accelerators, which will impact how salespeople are rewarded.

Sales Plan Pay-out Cycle

Establishing the frequency and timing of incentive payouts. The timing of these rewards can influence salespeople's motivation and focus.

Sales Plan Rules

Creating clear and transparent rules within the incentive plan, such as dependencies between various performance indicators or conditions that trigger specific incentives.

Additional SPIFFs

Special Performance Incentive Funds or "SPIFFs" are short-term incentives designed to motivate salespeople to achieve specific goals or promote particular products or services.

Sales Plan Gamification

Employing gamification elements within the incentive plan, such as competitive league tables, to foster a sense of competition and motivation among the sales team.

modelling and costing

Assessing sales incentive plan performance and the impact of any plan changes, including the payout impact on individuals and the overall cost impact for the business.



MCR were engaged by our market leading client in this sector to lead and deliver a sales incentives review and redesign project, covering more than 30 countries.

Get in touch with us today

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